Falling down my face
You are the epitome of my being.
You are my sadness
As well as my happiness, yes,
My joy as well as my sorrow.
You are my confusion…
Sometimes you fall straight down,
Sometimes you wedge yourself in the small crevice between my nose and my cheek
Sometimes you only release yourself from one eye-
Of course, I never really know what your plans are.
You are my hope
When nothing tangible gives me faith,
You appear in order to create a concrete image out of an abstract notion
That in all reality and logic may or may not ever happen.
Most of all, you are my release.
Because no matter your purpose,
No matter your method,
You always come to the same conclusion.
You find yourself dried upon my face,
You have been soaked back into my skin
Your objective-
To travel through my soul until one day
You shall fall again.
--Sheena R. Mitchell